Most Valuable Blogging Resources

As many of you have probably noticed I have taken a pretty big break from my blog. I have not posted any new content since before the holidays and I am finally ready to put some focus back into it and start to post again. So for my first post back, I want to show you what I have been doing for Corinna’s Corner since I have been gone. I have been going around reading articles and collecting as many resources as I can to help me as a blogger build my blog and brand myself as well.

The first resource I want to talk about is Facebook groups. I am a member of multiple Facebook groups online for business, blogging, entrepreneurship, and more. Facebook groups can be a more personal way to get advice or support for your blog. You can get opinions from people who are in the same position as you and it can really give you a sense of community. One of my favorite groups is Societygal which is a group of online women entrepreneurs. On that page you can find a lot of people offering services, looking for certain services, sharing articles and tips. Anytime I have a question about my blog or branding online I can go there to get it answered. I also really enjoy the Bloguettes Bulletin Board group. It is similar to Societygal but more focused towards blogs instead of businesses and brands. Bloguettes Bulletin Board always has awesome articles and blog posts being shared, and is also a good way to share your work as well.

Another resource I have been loving but not even fully utilizing yet is mailing lists. I have been signing up for more and more mailing lists lately and I love receiving the emails. A lot of blogs have mailing lists that you can sign up for and you will begin to receive emails from the blog that will normally have content you don’t get anywhere else. Also, it helps me remember to read certain blogs that I really enjoy, and keeps me updated with them. A lot of people who have mailing lists also offer freebies with their emails and you could be getting something useful for your blog out of it. I am currently getting into graphic design and I subscribe to many different mailing lists that send me graphic design goodies and free downloads every week. Having a mailing list of your own is also an awesome resource for your blog that can really help get readers hooked and make sure they are coming back for more. Especially if you are also a business owner, you can send special mailing list only savings offers and other things to help promote your sales.

Finally, another big resource I have been using is also the most obvious resource, Pinterest! Pinterest has the answers to all my blog related questions, and then some. Pinterest has unlimited resources and I can spend hours a day scrolling on Pinterest and finding more and more useful information for my blog. Also using Pinterest is another great way to share your own content because I can guarantee that I am not the only person spending hours a week scrolling Pinterest. If you want to run a successful blog then I highly recommend utilizing Pinterest for all that it is worth.

So these resources are the ones that I am currently obsessing over and using to somewhat “re-launch” my blog. I am hoping to start posting regularly again, although they will not all be beauty based posts. I really want to start doing a lot more lifestyle posts. I am focusing on my marketing degree in school, dabbling in graphic design, and am hoping to get my real estate license this summer so I definitely want to be able to reflect on those things on my blog as well. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you all have an awesome week.